Conference Presentation at ARAS
On October 3, we presented the first of many presentations on our current and upcoming research at Camp Halsey. The paper was entitled, The Faulkner County Survey Project: Beginning a Program of Research at Camp Halsey. Dr. Mckinnon gave the presentation at the Arkansas Archeological Society meeting in North Little Rock. The abstract follows:
Duncan P. McKinnon, Lynita Langely-Ware, Wendy Plotkin, Katelyn Trammel
Faulkner County contains a wealth of historical and archaeological resources from prehistoric and early Euro-American occupations. A long-term collaborative project between the University of Central Arkansas and the Faulkner County Museum is underway to map, evaluate, and document these resources. In this paper, we present recent and ongoing work at Camp Halsey, the first Soil Conservation Service (SCS) camp in Arkansas and later the location of one of many of the 1930s Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) camps throughout Arkansas. Results are discussed within the three themes that guide the Faulkner County Survey Project: Site Administration and Management, Pedagogy and Public Archaeology, and Research.