
The following is a working bibliography associated with CCC camps at a National level and those within Arkansas. Additional references are included where information is associated with a specific camp or a discussion of the work undertaken and completed by a camp and its enrollees.

Civilian Conservation Corps (National)
Butler, William
2006 The Archeology of the Civilian Conservation Corps in Rocky Mountain National Park. Rocky Mountain National Park.

Civilian Conservation Corps
2018 Civilian Conservation Corps Legacy: Passing the Legacy to Future Generations.

1935 Two Years of Emergency Conservation Work (Civilian Conservation Corps): April 5, 1933-March 31, 1935. Based upon reports prepared by Robert Fechner, Director of Emergency Conservation Work, the four departments cooperating in the program, namely War, Interior, Agriculture, Labor and the Veterans’ Administration.

CCC Legacy

Division of Information and Education
1936 Soil Conservation Service News. Region 4. June 1936.

Encyclopedia of Arkansas
2016 Civilian Conservation Corp.

Graham, Burton M. (graham_1937.pdf)
1937 Memorandum for All CCC Cooperating Services. RG 114 Soil Conservation Service. Region 4 (Western Gulf). Records of the Regional Office-Fort Worth, Texas General Records (Entry WG1(A)).Box 1: Folder R-101 Administration General-Maintenance Projects.

Helms, Douglas
1985 The Civilian Conservation Corps: Demonstrating the Value of Soil Conservation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 40:184-188.

Jones, Paul E.
2004 The Forgotten Boys of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Who Enlisted as Boys and were Discharged as Men. Rocky Publishing, Eldorado, IL

Lacy, Leslie Alexander
1976 The Soil Soldiers: The Civilian Conservation Corps in the Great Depression. Chilton Book Company, Radnor, Pennsylvania.

Laster, Patricia Paulus
2016 Civilian Conservation Corp. The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture.

Maher, Neil M.
2008 Nature’s New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement. Oxford University Press.

Phelan, John T., and Donald Basinger
1992 Engineering in the Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture 2:4-13.

Plotkin, Wendy
2018 Draft Early CCC Organizational Chart (~1933-1938).
2018 Soil Conservation Service Organizational Chart 1935.

Speakman, Joseph M.
2006 Into the Woods: The First Year of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Prologue 38(3):1-11.

U.S. Department of Agriculture
1935 List of Technical Workers in the Department of Agriculture and Outline of Department Functions. Miscellaneous Publication No. 233. United States Government Printing Office.
1938 Directory of Organization and Field Activities of the Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication No. 304. United States Government Printing Office.
1939 Directory of Organization and Field Activities of the Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication No. 376. United States Government Printing Office.
1941 Directory of Organization and Field Activities of the Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication No. 431. United States Government Printing Office.
1947 Directory of Organization and Field Activities of the Department of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publication No. 640. United States Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of the Interior
1934 Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior. United States Government Printing Office.

1939 Individual Guidance in A CCC Camp: Its Effect Upon Participation and Quality of Work in a Voluntary Educational Program. Bulletin 1939, No. 7.

//Hope Star
1939 Soil Conservation Speakers at Field Day Program, CCC Camp.

//Hugh Bennett
Bennett, Hugh H., and W. R. Chapline
1928 Soil Erosion a National Menace. United States Department of Agriculture. Circular No. 33

Helms, Douglas
2008 Hugh Hammond Bennett and the Creation of the Soil Erosion Service. Historical Insights. Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA 8:1-13.
2010 Hugh Hammond Bennett and the Creation of the Soil Conservation Service, September 19-1933-April 27, 1935. Historical Insights. Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA 10:1-25.

Natural Resources Conservation Service
1999 Hugh Hammond Bennet: Father of Soil Conservation. American National Biography. 2:582-583.

//Log Cabin Democrat
1935 CCC Forces to be Enlarged: Soil Erosion Work in Mid-West Planned.
1935 505 CCC Camps are Allocated: Three for Neighboring Counties to Faulkner.

United States Department of the Interior Soil Erosion Service
1934 Duck Creek News. Project No. 20. Lindale, Texas.

Soil Conservation Service
1936 Soil Conservation Services News: Region 4 Comprising States of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas, Except High Plains Area. Volume 1, No. 2.

//Ruston Daily Leader
1936 L.P. Merrill to Address Soil Meet Friday, Regional Conservator of Tri-State Area Guest of S.C.
Civilian Conservation Corps (Arkansas)
Arkansas District
1937 Official Annual Yearbook. Arkansas District. Civilian Conservation Corps. Seventh Corps Area. Center for Arkansas History & Culture, SD 144.A8 C5 1937 Ark.

Arkansas State Parks
“Civilian Conservation Corp”

Burggraf, Frank and Karen Rollet
1988 Design Harmony of Man-Made Elements in Natural Settings as Exemplified by the Architectural Resources and Facilities of Certain Arkansas State Parks. Arkansas Historic Preservation Program.

McCarty, Joey
1977 Civilian Conservation Corps in Arkansas. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of Arkansas.

Soil Conservation Service
1935 1935 Data Summary on All SCS Arkansas Watershed Projects, including AR-1 (East Cadron Creek). RG114
Soil Conservation Service. Region 4 (Western Gulf). Records of the Regional Office-Fort Worth, Texas General Records (Entry WG1(A)).Box 1: Folder R-101 Administration General.

Soil Conservation Service
1935 1935-08 SCS State-by-State Demonstration Project Summary-Confidential. RG114 Soil Conservation Service. Region 4 (Western Gulf). Records of the Regional Office-Fort Worth, TexasGeneral Records (Entry WG1(A)).Box 1: Folder R-101 Administration General.

Smith, Sandra Taylor
1991 The Civilian Conservation Corps in Arkansas, 1933-1942. Arkansas Historic Preservation Program.

//Log Cabin Democrat
1935 Sees Expansion in SES Service: Erosion Work Permanent, Newport Believes. March 28, 1935.
1935 Work of SES is Highly Praised. April 12, 1935.
1935 CCC to Enlist 300,000 Men: Will be Taking in Within 60 days. April 12, 1935.
1935 Camp Chief Hold Meeting: SCS Work Outlined to Superintendents. September 7, 1935.

Civilian Conservation Corps
1937 Map of CCC Camps in the Arkansas District, July 1, 1937. Seventh Corps Area. Center for Arkansas History and Culture .

Arkansas Department of Transportation
1936 Civilian Conservation Corps Camps Serving Faulkner County AR 1934-1942. Arkansas State Highway Commission. Map created by Wendy Plotkin, March 6, 2017.
Camp Damascus
United States Department of the Interior
2002 National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, Camp Damascus. National Park Service.

Civilian Conservation Corps
1935-1943 NARA CP CCC RG35 Box 3. This is unprocessed and unsorted. It contains letters, inventories, inspection reports, bookkeeping, payroll, menus, education reports, safety questionnaires, etc. Obtained from National Archives, College Park.

Civilian Conservation Corps
1935-1943 NARA CP CCC RG35 Box 16, Part 2. This is unprocessed and unsorted. It contains letters, inventories, inspection reports, bookkeeping, payroll, menus, education reports, safety questionnaires, etc. Obtained from National Archives, College Park.

Civilian Conservation Corps
1938 Historical Record of CCC Camp Buildings, Camp Damascus. October 1, 1938. RG 77 Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1789-1999, NM 19 Entry 395, Historical Record of Civilian Conservation Corps Buildings. Box 13, Folder 7th Corp Area, Folder 2 of 7 (Arkansas SCS-5).
Camp Halsey (3FA313)
Hope, Holly
2002 Arkansas Architectural Resources Form: Camp Halsey Site, FA1241. Arkansas Historic Preservation Program.

Langley-Ware, Lynita, and Duncan P. McKinnon
2018 Treating the Sick and Injured at Camp Halsey: Excavation of a “Car Infirmary”. Facts and Fiddlings LX(2):39-53.

Murphy, Michael
2002 The Rise and Fall of Fire Lookout Towers in Faulkner County: Construction by Company 4748 of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1937-1939. Facts and Fiddlings XLV(2,3,4):29-68.

McKinnon, Duncan P.
2018 Camp Halsey. The Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture.

McKinnon, Duncan P., Lynita Langley-Ware, Wendy Plotkin, and Katelyn Trammell
2017 The Faulkner County Survey Project: Beginning a Program of Research at Camp Halsey. Paper presented at the 2017 meeting of the Arkansas Archeological Society in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Civilian Conservation Corp
1934 Monthly Education Report, Camp Halsey. Emergency Conservation Work. Educational Program. RG 35 Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1953, PI 11 Entry 113, Camp Inspection Reports, 1933-1942. Box 16, Folder: Arkansas SES-1. (37 pages)

Civilian Conservation Corp
1935 Monthly Education Report, Camp Halsey. Emergency Conservation Work. Educational Program. RG 35 Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1953, PI 11 Entry 113, Camp Inspection Reports, 1933-1942. Box 16, Folder: Arkansas SES-1. (37 pages)

//Historic Photos
1934-1935 “The Wooley Hollow Bunch”.

Civilian Conservation Corp
1935 Daily Stock Records and Bills of Fare for June 1935. RG 35 Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933 – 1953, PI 11 Entry 113, Camp Inspection Reports, 1933-1942. Box 16, Folder: Arkansas SES-1. (37 pages)

Civilian Conservation Corps
1934 & 1938 Historical Record of CCC Camp Buildings. September 1934 and November 18, 1938. RG 77 Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1989-1999, NM 19 Entry 395, Historical Record of Civilian Conservation Corps Buildings. Box 13, Folder 7th Corp Area, Folder 2 of 7 (Arkansas P-75).

Civilian Conservation Corps
1934 Inspection Report. Emergency Conservation Work. Office of the Director. RG 35 Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps,1933-1953, PI 11 Entry 113, Camp Inspection Reports, 1933-1942. Box 16, Folder: Arkansas SES-1. (37 pages)

Civilian Conservation Corp
1935 Inspection Report. Emergency Conservation Work. Office of the Director. RG 35 Records of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1953, PI 11 Entry 113, Camp Inspection Reports, 1933-1942. Box 16, Folder: Arkansas SES-1. (37 pages)

//Lake Bennett
Clark, Sam
1971 Origin of Lake Bennett. Faulkner Facts and Fiddlings XIII(3):66-68.

Glymph, Louis M. and Victor H. Jones
1936 Advance Report on the Sedimentation Survey of Lake Bennett Conway, Arkansas: November 2-22, 1935. United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service.

Scott, Billy Joe
1994 The Development, Construction, and Effects of Lake Bennett. Faulkner Facts and Fiddlings XXXVI(1-2):1-8.
Sturgeon, Mary C.
1991 Sturgeon family, Mailand family, Nixon family. River Road Press.

//Log Cabin Democrat
1934 Triple C Camp Site is Located at Centerville: 250 Men to be Transferred to Soil Erosion Service. August 17, 1934.
1934 Camp Halsey Men Move In: CCC Group Arrives From Camp Victor. October 1, 1934.
1934 Camp Halsey Is Beautified: Enrollees do Much Work on Grounds. October 5, 1934.
1934 More CCC Men for SES Area: Expansion of Forces in County Probable. December 29, 1934.
1935 CCC Camp Halsey Ground Landscaped January 21, 1935.
1935 Soil Erosion Service, CCC Camp Both Prove Blessings to County (written by R. H. McNew). January 31, 1935.
1935 Rotary Club to Dine at CCC Camp Halsey. February 14, 1935.
1935 Conway Rotarians Visit Camp Halsey. February 16, 1935.
1935 Commander to Visit CCC Camp: General Heintzelman at Conway Today. March 2, 1935.
1935 Camp Halsey is Commended: “Superior, “ Says General Heintzelman. March 4, 1935.
1935 Camp Halsey in Inspected: Mayor Baylies is Pleased. April 24, 1935.
1935 Faulkner Likely to get Another CCC Organization. May 8, 1935.
1935 H. H. Bennett to Speak Here: Soil Conservation Day, August 1. May 8, 1935.
1935 New CCC Camps Will Open Soon: Army Officers Are Selecting Sites. May 15, 1935.
1935 Camp Halsey Again Under Quarantine. June 18, 1935.
1935 Woolly Hollow Dam Continues to Hold. June 18, 1935.
1935 Will Complete Dam This Week: Woolly Hollow Project Near Completion. July 23, 1935.
1935 Camp Halsey Boys to Broadcast Tonight. September 4, 1935.
1935 Camp Halsey to be Discontinued at End of Month: Labor Shortage in SCS Areas Still a Problem. October 14, 1935.
1935 CCC Camp May Reopen Later: Halsey will not be Dismantled. October 18, 1935.
1935 Camp May be Re-Occupied: Report, However is Unconfirmed. October 31, 1935.
1939 Ask Jobs for 50 Men from Camp Halsey. March 19, 1939.
1939 Camp Halsey Ordered Abandoned: Greenbrier, Centerville Lodge Protest Against Government Order. April 13, 1939.
1939 Camp Halsey Celebration on Sunday: To Observe Anniversary of CCC’s Founding; Enrollees Move Soon. April 19, 1939.
1939 Propose CCC Buildings for Lake Bennett. May 5, 1939.
1939 Still Hopeful CCC Camp Halsey Will Be Again Occupied. May 17, 1939.

Cadron Grit
1934 Thanksgiving Edition. November 23, 1934. Volume 1, Number 2.

The Halsey Journal
1937 November. Volume 1, Number 1.
1937 December. Volume 1, Number 2.
1938 January. Volume 1, Number 3.
1938 February. Volume 1, Number 4.
1938 March. Volume 1, Number 5.
1938 April. Volume 1, Number 6.
1938 May. Volume 1, Number 7.
1938 June. Volume 1, Number 7.
Camp Hollis (3PE260)
Ouachita Baptist University
2015 Hollis, Arkansas, Civilian Conservation Corps Memorabilia. Ouachita Baptist University Collection. Riley-Hickingbotham Library Special Collections. Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas.
Camp Monticello
Jenkins, Jan
1995 The Civilian Conservation Corps in Drew County: ‘Roosevelt’s Tree Army’ and Camp Monticello. Drew County Historical Journal 10:43-47.

Lampkin, Sheila
2006 The Civilian Conservation Corps in Drew County: Memories of Camp Monticello. Drew County Historical Journal 21:29-36.
Camp Yellville
Barnett, Paula Harmon
2008 Civilian Conservation Corps Camps #4733. Rivers and Roads and Points in Between 32:29-32.


Dr. Duncan P. McKinnon
University of Central Arkansas

Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research; Department of Sociology, Criminology, Anthropology

Copyright © 2023 Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research