UCA Student is Awarded Scholarship to Present Fieldwork Research at the 2019 Arkansas Archeological Society Meeting
Jacob Madle recently presented his 2019 field school research at Camp Halsey during the 2019 Arkansas Archeological Society meeting in Hot Springs, Arkansas. He was awarded the Hester A. Davis scholarship for 2019 to support travel to the meeting to give his presentation. Congrats Jacob! His paper is entitled, Camp Halsey: From Above to Below.
The abstract is as follows:
The Faulkner County Survey Project is a research collaboration between the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) and the Faulkner County Museum. In 2016, the project initiated a program of research at Camp Halsey, a CCC camp in Faulkner County. At the 2019 UCA field school, a research strategy was developed in order to identify the location of enrollee barracks. Historic photos reveal that barracks were constructed on piers. Today, there are no visible foundation remains. Using historic aerial photography, general spatial relationships to visible surface features were considered. To test relationships, thirty-five shovel tests were dug and a 1200 square meter (0.12 ha) area was surveyed using electrical resistivity. Data collected revealed the probable location of several enrollee barracks, which can be used to identify additional features, such as pathways between barracks and overall extent of buildings.