Field school

  • Field Work, May 14-18, 2018

    After a hot and humid week filled with a bed of poison ivy (our workspace) and hundreds (thousands?) of ticks, we have successfully completed the scheduled field work associated with…

  • UCA Field School 2018

    From May 14-18, 2018 University of Central Arkansas students will be conducting archeological field work at Camp Halsey (3FA313) as part of the first accredited archaeological field school at UCA.…

  • Field work to prepare for field school

    It was a very cold day on January 3rd, 2018 (15 degrees!) but we spent several hours at the site doing some basic mapping and developing hypothesis questions to test…


Dr. Duncan P. McKinnon
University of Central Arkansas

Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research; Department of Sociology, Criminology, Anthropology

Copyright © 2023 Jamie C. Brandon Center for Archaeological Research